ADVENTURE COMMITTEE – This committee serves the membership by providing a variety of activities and adventures throughout the year as well as during the summer when the monthly club meetings are on hiatus. Offerings in the past have included garden tours, local and regional travel to interesting places, creative endeavors, afternoon tea’s and even glass blowing! Signups for these adventures are available on the website under the member’s only tab on Signup Genius. Attending adventures is a great way to meet new garden friends. Of you are interested in joining this committee, hosting your garden on a tour, or offering any suggestions for future adventures, reach out to any committee member.
ARBOR DAY – On Arbor Day The Garden Club of York joins with the city of York in planting three trees that The Garden Club of York has donated. Members are encouraged to represent the GCY at the tree planting.
AWARDS & LAURELS – Duties include filing applications for eligible awards offered by the National Garden Clubs and the Garden Club Federation of Pennsylvania.
BIRDS, BEES & BUTTERFLIES – The Chair provides monthly reports to the general membership on an educational topic concerning birds, bees or butterflies. This committee’s goal is education of our membership regarding the effects of pesticides, habitat destruction, diseases and parasites causing the disappearance of bees, butterflies and pollinators.
CONSERVATION, ENVIRONMENT and HORTICULTURE – The chair will report bimonthly to the general membership on an educational topic to stimulate an interest in environment, conservation and horticulture.
DECORATIONS OF HISTORICAL HOMES – This year the committee plans to decorate the historic William Goodridge Freedom Center and Underground Railroad Museum at 123 Philadelphia Street. This is the former home of African-American businessman and abolitionist, William C. Goodridge. It is an official site of the Underground Railway and exhibits are on display. The committee plans to decorate the exterior including a courtyard. There are also plans, in the early stages, for holiday decorating of other historic buildings. More information will become available in the future. This committee works with non-profit organizations.
FLORAL DESIGN – Members will learn various design techniques, design types and practical hands-on tips. This class is helpful whether you are entering a flower show or creating an arrangement for your home. We will explore the principles and elements of design using the NGC Handbook for Flower Shows. This is for experienced and novice designers. All materials will be provided and you will leave with your very own floral creation!
FLOWERS & FELLOWSHIP – Three times a year we visit a nursing home with flowers, vases and ribbons. We help residents make a flower arrangement to take to their rooms. All members are welcome to participate.
FLOWER PRESSERS – This is a crafting group who meet monthly. Members learn the art of flower pressing from an experienced, talented instructor. This committee is open to any member who has an interest in this beautiful art form. Experienced or novice, everyone is welcome.
GARDEN & HORTICULTURAL THERAPY – This Committee works with members of the community with physical or intellectual limitations or difficulties. This is a hands-on committee which provides meaningful garden related activities, flower arranging and fellowship by working with Jessica & Friends Community at Jeremy’s Garden as well as the York daycare facility. We are open to any members who would like to join us.
GARDEN FAIRE – This committee plans, organizes and manages the GCY annual plant sale and garden faire. All GCY members are asked to donate plants, tools, yard sale items or unique garden accessories. This is a fundraising event open to the public. Proceeds are allocated to the GCY general operating fund.
GRANTS – This committee is responsible for writing applications for National Garden Club, Garden Club Federation of Pennsylvania and any other grants for the GCY.
HANGING BASKET AND CONTAINER – This committee has a 2-part responsibility. It oversees every aspect of “The Baskets of York,” our project to beautify the City of York with the placement of 266 hanging baskets. This includes designing and ordering the baskets; maintaining the baskets; and funding to pay for the baskets. Funding for the baskets comes from two sources–our endowment at the York County Community Foundation and through donations we obtain from the community and budget.
Our other responsibility is to design, plant and maintain the 114 containers owned by Downtown Inc. which are located along the major streets in the city. We also decorate the 4 corners of Continental Square in October and December.
HISTORIAN – Historian is responsible for preserving the history of the club. With the help of committee chairs and general membership, the historian collects yearly information involving club activities including meetings, trips and projects and awards. This information is then put into a scrapbook adding photos, newspaper articles, handouts, etc. Beginning January 2021 this information will be online.
HOLIDAY LUNCHEON – The December luncheon has many aspects including sale of greens and poinsettias, a silent auction, bake shop, live auction, Christmas corner, merchandise sales, and raffles. To round out the day, there will be a delicious lunch plus wonderful socializing with friends.
HOSPITALITY COMMITTEE – The committee chair is responsible for scheduling members monthly hospitality assignments, managing paper products inventory, incidentals, and organizing the annual fall picnic.
MEDIA COMMITTEE – This committee is responsible for informing the public and fellow members of the many activities and projects of The Garden Club of York through the website, Facebook, Instagram and local newspapers and radio announcements. This committee also documents the activities of our club through photographs and manages a photo library. Member’s photos are welcome and encouraged. The President, Operating Board and Committee Chairs are encouraged to keep our committee apprised of what they might want advertised.
MEMBERSHIP – This committee manages the current membership roster for the GCY, acts as greeters, staffs the check-in table at monthly meetings, provides welcome bags to new members and distributes GCY Yearbooks to the membership, provides guidance to new members, manages the distribution of nametags and attendance records.
NEWSLETTER EDITOR – The Garden Club in BLOOM editor creates and publishes a newsletter in February, May, August and November. Officers and committee chairs submit articles and information for publication to the editor.
PENNY PINES – Promotes and educates the general membership about this ongoing NGC sponsored project. Collects monetary contributions to benefit the Penny Pines Program.
PLANT IT PINK GARDENS – Committee members are responsible for maintenance and improvement of two community gardens dedicated to people affected by breast cancer. Garden at UPMC – planted in 2022. Garden at Rudy Park – established in 2018. Members work throughout the growing season to plant, weed, water and groom on a weekly scheduled managed on the GCY website under Members Only. The gardens share a pool of volunteers.
PROGRAMS/ WORKSHOPS – Committee members research and select interesting programs, speakers and workshops for monthly GCY membership meetings.
PUBLIC PLANTINGS – The Public Planting Committee oversees the club’s involvement in planting and maintaining the Blue Star Memorial By-Way Garden in the Wellspan Plaza at the Revolution Stadium. We also plant and maintain 15 Victorian-era cradle-shaped graves in cooperation with Historic Prospect Hill Cemetery. We participate in York’s Adopt-A-Block Program to help with trash removal downtown. We plant and maintain the Herb Garden behind the Golden Plough tavern which is one of the York History Center’s properties.
SCHOLARSHIP – Committee members are responsible to evaluate scholarship applicants, select recipients, forward winning applications to the GCFP scholarship chair for further consideration for additional scholarships, present winners to the membership at the Annual Spring Luncheon, manage scholarship information that is distributed to High Schools in York County, and the information presented on social media and encourage donations and raise funds to support additional scholarships that have not been budgeted.
SPRING LUNCHEON – This committee plans, organizes, decorates and manages all aspects of the Spring Luncheon.
SUNSHINE COMMITTEE – This committee is a group of members coming together to spread kindness to other members in their time of need or just to make them feel special. We will send a little sunshine their way by sending a meal, baking a treat, or sending a bouquet of flowers to brighten their day.
THE GARDEN STORE – Responsible for raising money to support the general operation fund and manage inventory of garden tools and supplies for sale at events, meetings and on the Online Garden Store.
YOUTH GARDENERS – Committee members work with youth to promote gardening in various settings throughout York City. This is done through programs and hands-on activities. Members of this committee are required to obtain PA child abuse clearances for volunteers at no cost by visiting